Mission: The Innovation Collaborative serves as a national forum to foster creativity, innovation, and lifelong learning. It identifies and disseminates information about the many ways that effective integration of the arts, sciences, humanities, engineering, and the use of technology reinforces teaching and incorporates lifelong learning in both in-school (formal) and out-of-school (informal) settings.
Goals: The Innovation Collaborative promotes creativity and innovation in diverse audiences, advances knowledge, and positively shapes education practice through research, effective practices, policy, and convening.
History: The Innovation Collaborative is an outcome of the SEAD (Sciences, Engineering, Arts, and Design) Network. The SEAD Network is a community of advocates for the importance and value of research and creative work across the arts and sciences.
Council: Governance for the Innovation Collaborative includes a national advisory council, which serves as a think-tank, and a working group that carries out the recommendations of the larger council.
Partners: Discover what organizations are partnering with the Innovation Collaborative.
JOIN US! Help us support teaching and learning in the arts, sciences, and humanities! To learn more, contact us at [email protected].